Forensic Science Seminar

The Department of Forensic Science hosts a weekly seminar series open to the public each semester featuring presentations by faculty, crime laboratory staff, students, and visiting lecturers.

Forensic science students can enroll in one credit of FRSC 570: Forensic Science Seminar to attend the entire series and receive academic credit.


2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT

Spring 2025 Presentations
Date Speaker Topic
Jan. 22

Jamie Spaulding, Ph.D.
Director of Forensic Science, Hamline University

“Advances in Firearm Examination and Interpretation”

Jan. 29

David Silveira
Lecturer - California State University, Chico
“The Impacts of Thermocouple Insulation Failure on the Accuracy of Temperature Measurement Data in Forensic Fire-death Scenarios”
Feb. 5 Jessica J. Davis
Forensic Services Division Branch Chief - US Secret Service
“USSS Capabilities”
Feb. 12

Richard W. Vorder Bruegge, Ph.D
Senior Physical Scientist/Chief Image Advisor, FBI (retired, October 2024)

In-person in Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084

“Authenticating the Photographic Process: From the Outside In”
Feb. 26

Jennie Duffy
Breath Alcohol Section Supervisor - Virginia Department of Forensic Science 

In-person in Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084

"Virginia Department of Forensic Science Breath Alcohol Overview" 
Mar. 5 Christopher Kiefer, MD
Forensic Pathologist - Blue Key Forensic Pathology
“Intro to Death Investigation”

Mar. 19

Taylor Yates
Virginia Commonwealth University         Graduate Student - M.S.F.S. Candidate

In-person in Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084

“Analysis of the Cross-Reactivity of Semi-Synthetic Tetrahydrocannabinol Analogs and Metabolites Using Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Carboxylic Acid ELISA and HEIA and Cannabimimetic HEIA Kits”
Mar. 26

Alysia Townsley
Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate Student - M.S.F.S. Candidate

In-person in Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084

“Novel Time-Since-Deposition Signatures for Canine Blood and Implications for Animal Cruelty Investigations”
Apr. 2

Michelle Peck, MFS - Genomic Research Scientist, Validation Manager
Erin Gorden, MFS - Genomic Research Scientist, R&D Lead                                                 Genomic Research Scientists - Signature Science, Center for Advanced Genomics

“Digging into Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG)”
Apr. 9

Caitlin Lydon
Virginia Commonwealth University                  Graduate Student - M.S.F.S. Candidate

In-person in Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084

"Simultaneous Determination of Time-Since-Deposition and Source Tissue for Forensic
Biological Samples"
Apr. 16

Kara Fairfax, Martin W. MacStudy, Celeste Willetts
Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate Students - M.S.F.S. Candidate
Xiaomeng (Simone) Yang, M.S.
Virginia Commonwealth University - Integrated Life Sciences PhD Candidate

In-person in Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084

“Findings from Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy Mock Case Independent Studies” 
Apr. 23*

Raygan Harrington
Virginia Commonwealth University         Graduate Student - M.S.F.S. Candidate

In-person in Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084

"Evaluation of Compromised Teeth Using an Optimized Sample Preparation Method and the Applied BiosystemsTM RapidHITTM ID System"