Baneshwar Singh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director
Faculty Adviser, DDE
- Ph.D., Biology, West Virginia University, Morgantown
- M.S. (Fisheries Resources Management), CIFE, Mumbai, India
- B.S. (Fisheries) Dr. BSKKV (Agricultural University), Dapoli, India
Research Interests
- Application of human microbiome in body fluid identification, human individualization, and trace evidence analysis
- Molecular systematics and microbiology of blow flies and flesh flies
- Method development for recovery of human DNA from challenging samples
- Method development for postmortem interval (PMI) prediction
Select Publications
- Cartozzo, C., Simmons, T., Swall, J., and Singh, B. (2021). Postmortem Submersion Interval (PMSI) estimation from the microbiome of Sus scrofa bone in a fresh water river. Forensic Science International.
- Seashols-Williams, S., Green, R., Wohlfahrt, D., Brand, A., Tan-Torres, A. L., Nogales, F., Brooks, J. P., and Singh, B. (2018). An accurate bacterial DNA quantification assay for HTS library preparation of human biological samples. Electrophoresis, 39 (2), 2824-2832.
- Singh, B., Minick, K., Strickland, M., Wickings, K.G., Crippen, T.L., Tarone, A.M., Benbow, M., @Sufrin, N. and Tomberlin, J.K., and Pechal, J. (2017). Temporal and spatial impact of human cadaver decomposition on soil bacterial and arthropod community structure and function. Frontiers in Microbiology.
- Singh, B., Crippen T., Zheng, L., Fields A., Yu, Z., Ma, Q., Wood, T.K., Dow, S., Flores, M., Tomberlin, J.K., and Tarone, A.M. (2015). A metagenomic assessment of the bacteria associated with Lucilia sericata and Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(2), 869-883.
- Singh, B. and Wells, J.D. (2013). Molecular systematics of the Calliphoridae (Diptera: Oestroidea): Evidence from one mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. Journal of Medical Entomology, 50, 15-23.
- North American Forensic Entomology Association (NAFEA)
- Associate Member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
- FRSC675 - Forensic Serology and DNA Analysis
- FRSC591/FRSC505 - Forensic Entomology
- FRSZ/BIOZ438 - Forensic Molecular Biology
- FRSC385 - Forensic Serology
- FRSC300 - Survey of Forensic Science